The White Steamboat – Theater Award Heidelberg
concept / project / theater
after Tschingis Aitmatow
in collaboration with live musicians
The play for one player and two musicians was borrowed from the novel by Tschingis Aitmatow “The White Steamer” in the translation by Hans-Joachim Lambrecht. A retrospective, a view of society, a vision of the future – a: How do we live? Timeless and topical.
Book/direction: Ralf Kober
Set design: Ralf Kober, Jana Sonnenberg
Music: Stefan Lindner, Antonio Kühn, Ralf Kober
Violin: Stefan Lindner
Percussion: Antonio Kühn
Concept / Project Management / Acting: Jana Sonnenberg
Performance rights: Suhrkamp Verlag, Berlin
Theater Award
At the theater days in Heidelberg 2013, Jana Sonnenberg received a Jury Award with “Der weiße Dampfer”.
Excerpt from the laudation:
“… I forgot that there was a rather meager stage set enlivened by a puppet and an actress – flanked by two musicians. I was suddenly in Kyrgyzstan, in the world of a lonely boy who clings to images and myths to survive …”
Rehearsal (Photos: René Börrnert)
Performance: (Photos: Sandra Hann)